I resonated so much with this post when I saw it in my inbox. I graduated 2 this year, one from homeschool high school and the oldest from college within the same week. I am 3 years away from your very situation with our last child in high school and it is bittersweet. Thanks for the encouragement to start planning for the celebration now! I think a little getaway in the fall right after 'school' starts. It used to be our favorite time of year to travel before kids started getting into activities with the school.

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Two graduates in one week is a lot for a mother's heart (and mind)! And I like your idea of a getaway in the fall. I was trying to wrap my head around putting something together in June , before summer really gets rolling, but it felt like I was cramming too much in. So this is a terrific suggestion!

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I 100% agree with this idea of CELEBRATING! I just wrapped up a Mending the Soul group & we held a special celebration on our last night. I brought in symbolism to not only acknowledge but celebrate the hard work & growth we'd all gone through. Lighing candles for each of us=sharing hope I'd found. Each person cutting a piece off a strip of ribbon=things we were removing from our life. Pouring out water=grief & pain we'd poured out. Scattered flower petals=the kind, supportive & encouraging words they spoken to one another. Eating a strawberry=new sweet seeds planted in our our lives. Drinking water=watering those new seeds. Hand lotion=taking tender care of our selves.

I only had 1 daughter, who graduated HS last year, but every 1st & last with her I felt tenderly in my heart. 1st lost tooth, or last lost tooth, last snuggle on my lap at 13, 1st time she drove away on her own, 1st day of her 1st job, 1st load of her doing her own laundry! I am amazed you did this all 8 times!!!! Thank you for reminding us all to celebrate, to remember, to soak it in...even when others don't see it. And yes, I agree with you, some of the quietest but most powerful moments of celebration were just me & God.

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What a beautiful celebration that must have been with your Mending the Soul group. I can just about picture it too! I appreciate how intentional you were with each step symbolizing an important part of the healing process.

And you have loved - and continue to love - your daughter so well. She is blessed to have such a caring, thoughtful mama. Grateful for you, Nancy!

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Curious what your high school graduate's plans are for the coming year. Blessings!

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He is taking a year to work, save money, and plans to move in with his brothers at the end of the summer (who only live about 10 minutes from us). So it's a big year of change for all of us!

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