Why I'm happily looking for new opportunities to stretch and grow
How our family's mountain adventure newly inspired me to do hard things!
It sounded like an incredible adventure. At least, at first.
Our oldest son wanted everyone to go explore the Steen Mountains for Memorial Day weekend. Although I’d never been there, I’ve heard it’s one of the most beautiful places in Oregon, so it seemed like a grand idea.
But then, the more details I learned about the trip, the less “grand” it appeared.
For instance, we’d had a lot of rain recently, so it was muddy. We’d be far up into miles and miles of wilderness. Without running water or any type of *ahem* facilities whatsoever. All while off-roading with our four boys. (I mean, what could go wrong?)
This trip was the definition of “dirt camping,” as my husband calls it. And I happen to have a strong dislike for dirt camping. So, my happy excuse was that someone had to stay home with our Avonlea, and I was glad to volunteer.
Then I couldn’t help but question if our son’s bride of three months would also come along—especially after hearing the other two women who were originally going to join us . . . canceled. Then I thought for sure Amy would opt to stay back.
But no. As far as I know, she never wavered. She was all in.
One young bride amongst four brothers and their father. You have to admire her.
Beauty and Adventure
So when my husband returned from the weekend, crusted in dirt and smelling like thick smoke, I couldn’t wait to hear all about it. And believe me, he had lots to tell.
He told me about seeing the wild mustangs running along the ridge, eating homemade sweet rolls (by Amy), and drinking hot coffee by the fire in the morning. Described Britain’s truck getting stuck in the mud and how it took two other vehicles to pull it out. Coming across a snake and staring at the stars in the night sky.
The entire weekend was packed full of rugged beauty and adventure and blessings.
And Amy was right there in the middle of it.

Getting Comfortable With the Uncomfortable
So, this got me thinking. Amy’s willingness to dig in reminded me of something I’d heard on a podcast episode. It was one of those “8 Things You Should Do for Your Health”. The first seven were more or less what I expected, but the eighth caught my attention.
Number 8 was “Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.” Now, what is that supposed to mean??
In this case, the speaker was talking about things like “cold plunge,” “sauna sweat,” and “moving more.” And I’ll admit, I was convicted.
But I wasn’t only thinking of my physical health. I considered how I spend my time and energy. What I listen to or read or watch. What I think about. And this nice little bubble I’ve built.
Because if I – if you – continue to stay in our comfort zone, how will we ever mature? Not only that but what about all the beauty and blessings we’re missing out on?
Our Heavenly Father never intended us to stay safe and soft. Like any good father, He wants to see us stretch and grow. It might be awkward or unpleasant—even a bit painful—but it’s the way to enjoy a deeper, richer life.
Ready to Stretch and Grow?
I don’t know what stretching looks like for you in your current season. Maybe it’s not camping far up into the mountains (with a bunch of boys), but perhaps it’s learning a new skill or meeting new people. It could be inviting a few other women to your house for an informal Bible study or an afternoon of watercolor painting. Dancing, running, or making that difficult first call.
But whatever it is, it should involve stepping outside your comfort zone. Pushing your limits or stretching past your safe place.
At this point, you might be asking why anyone would intentionally push herself toward hard things. Aren’t there enough challenges in your everyday life?
Yes, and sometimes no.
I might only be talking to myself now, but I’ll admit I’ve pulled back these past few years. I’ve had some health challenges, so why risk getting sick or injured again? I have so many thoughts swirling in my head; why add more to the swirl? I’ve experienced deep relationship wounds, so why open myself up to hurt again?
Yet here I am. Making a commitment to the uncomfortable.
And now, do you want to join me?
Of course, your list will look different than mine, but here’s a peek into what I’m currently up to:
I’m getting up early and sitting outside for sunrise (which meant 5:21 am and 42 degrees this morning!)
Matt and I are taking ballroom dancing lessons. For real.
We’re also looking for opportunities to double-date, which has been a fun way to spend time with friends, both new and old.
We’ve become increasingly involved in Path of Hope, a ministry serving the most vulnerable young women in Mbale, Uganda. This mission both blesses and wrecks me regularly.
I’ve been going through the Old Testament with about ten other women from our house church—reading chapters in big chunks. Then, we meet monthly and discuss what we’ve read. This has been stretching in the best way!
So what about you? Ready to get a little uncomfortable?
I’d love to hear what you’ve been doing or even considering doing!
A Closing Blessing
I pray you will be willing to step outside your comfort zone.
That you will seek your Heavenly Father and all He has for you, even if it’s stretching and uncomfortable at times.
I hope you will enjoy unexpected beauty and blessings as you experience new things and meet new people along the way.
In His grace,
Lisa Jacobson
Find me on Instagram | Our Books | My Website
Thanks for this lovely reminder and the simple idea to make a list, I also love the idea of gathering monthly to talk about the Old Testament, sometimes a weekly commitment feels so daunting, this is an idea I’ll think about today!